Monday 18 February 2013


Dietary supplements.  Do you take them?  I do but more in the spirit of fear than in any anticipation of benefit.  I take fish oil because I'm scared that I'll end up with athritis like my Mum, I take the herbal menopause pills from the Chinese doctor because they at least give me a bit of energy ( I double checked that they don't contain any endagered animals..herbs only thank you).  And I take a vitamin and mineral supplement just in case there are any other deficiencies building up in me.

Do they work?  I'm not sure.

I haven't had flu all winter, but that could be because I'm self employed, work from home and don't see that many people. But despite the fish oil and the silica my nails are crumbling away like the face of a sandstone cliff. These days I don't polish my nails to decorate them I polish them partly to hold them together and partly to hide them.  And despite the Chinese doctors best efforts the menopause is still...the menopause. 

And supplements have side effects just like any other drug. I was reccomended to take a magnesium supplement to help with a bad back.   It certainly helped to relax my muscle...particularly the smooth muscle of my bowel with startlingly prompt effect.  My mother (the retired pharmacist) found the whole incident beyond hilarious.

I suspect that dog walking is much better for my health than any of the pills and potions I succumb to.  But exercise, is a blog post for another day.

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